A list of useful commands to use with headless/PizzAI [this, "task", "stationary"] call PZAI_fnc_setInit; // Makes the unit/group stationary - Unable to move but capble of rotating, aiming, and stance adjustment | Place in AI group init [this, "task", "bunker"] call PZAI_fnc_setInit; // Makes the unit/group stationary but with fortifed stats, making AI suppress heavier and such - Use with caution - Unable to move but capble of rotating, aiming, and stance adjustment | Place in AI group init [this, "stance", "UP", "task", "stationary"] call PZAI_FNC_setInit; //Sets all units in the AI group to the chosen stance - "UP", "MIDDLE", or "DOWN" and also makes all AI units stationary | Place in the AI groups init ["QRF"] call PZAI_fnc_spawnArray; // Place in a triggers on activation init field to call a logic in the headless client which will cause all units connected to that logic to spawn once the trigger is activated - Remember to add the same variable to the Headless_ai module setting file. [this,"varName","YourVariableNameHere"] call PZAI_FNC_setInit; // Allows a unit thats connected to headless client to be called, an example would be if you wanted an AI HVT connect to headless client to trigger mission end when dead, you'd place this command in the units init, change the variable name, and then call it like any other command in the end conditions.